Another suite of utilities (svn MarketRisk/weaves/eleve-cal) uses a Summit reporting utility (cdatrep) to get the latest calendars from the Summit database. This splits them up into about 600 files.
There are two calendar types: NOTCOMP and COMP. Information about them is stored in text files in directories "NOTCOMP", "COMP" and "WK".
The NOTCOMP calendars are the basic ones. Each text file is a list of holidays. Associated with each NOTCOMP calendar is another text file (the WK one) which defines the weekdays.
Some base calendars
- base calendar: LON
- base calendar: LUX
- base calendar: MAD
- base calendar: MAN
A COMP calendar is a joint calendar. Here are some examples.
- joint calendar: LOT
- joint calendar: LPB
- joint calendar: LPD
- joint calendar: LPE
And the text file contains a list of base calendars
- joint calendar: LOT
- calendar component: EUR
- calendar component: LON
And another
- joint calendar: LPB
- calendar component: BRU
- calendar component: DUB
- calendar component: EUR
- calendar component: LON
- calendar component: LUX
- calendar component: PAR