render0_t.cpp File Reference

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static render0_t render0s_ []

Variable Documentation

render0_t render0s_[] [static]

Initial value:

  { std::string("N7eepgwde6detail9posixdateE"), &render_dt },
  { std::string("N7eepgwde6detail6eudateE"), &render_eudt },
  { std::string("N7eepgwde6detail6usdateE"), &render_usdt },

  { std::string("d"), &render_d },
  { std::string("N7eepgwde6detail4rateE"), &render_rate },
  { std::string("N7eepgwde6detail3bpsE"), &render_d },

  { std::string("Ss"), &render_s },
  { std::string("i"), &render_i },
  { std::string(), 0 }
This defines which render function pointers are used for which boost::any type name.

The boost::any string points back to a null0 defined within eepgwde::detail::Typing.

Definition at line 5 of file render0_t.cpp.

Generated on Thu Feb 18 21:30:12 2010 for eleve by  doxygen 1.5.6