Mapping column names


struct  eepgwde::detail::Typing::mapping_t


typedef struct
typedef std::map< std::string,
std::string > 


types0_t & eepgwde::detail::Typing::types0 ()
 Get the types list.
Renderer const * eepgwde::detail::Typing::add (Renderer *)
 Add a Renderer to the type system.
mappings_t & eepgwde::detail::Typing::mappings ()
 Get the mapping store.
void eepgwde::detail::Typing::mappings (const mapping_t mappings[])
 Set the mapping store.

Detailed Description

Used for maps of column names in CSV files to names in functions.

The map is usually maintained as a <source name> -> <generic name>.

 Typing t0;
 Typing::mappings_t map0 = t0.mappings();
 map0["PX_LAST"] = "price";

This would set up a mappings_t instance that could be used to change the column PX_LAST to have the name price.

Typedef Documentation

Array container for mapping pairs.

This expected to be used for null-terminated arrays: that means old_ is "" and new_ is "".

typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> eepgwde::detail::Typing::mappings_t [inherited]

Definition at line 81 of file runtime2.hpp.

Function Documentation

Renderer const * eepgwde::detail::Typing::add ( Renderer p  )  [inherited]

Add a Renderer to the type system.

Add a Renderer to the singleton.

The Renderer needs to be static. This code doesn't copy it. And it will only write it once. If you do want to overwrite it, then you must delete from the update.

Definition at line 132 of file runtime2.cpp.

References eepgwde::detail::Typing::impl, and eepgwde::detail::Renderer::name().

void eepgwde::detail::Typing::mappings ( const mapping_t  mappings[]  )  [inherited]

Typing::mappings_t & eepgwde::detail::Typing::mappings (  )  [inherited]

Typing::types0_t & eepgwde::detail::Typing::types0 (  )  [inherited]

Get the types list.

Definition at line 123 of file runtime2.cpp.

References eepgwde::detail::Typing::impl.

Referenced by Test::typing0_t::typing0::tnull01().

Generated on Thu Feb 18 21:30:12 2010 for eleve by  doxygen 1.5.6