typing_ql.hpp File Reference

Adding a QuantLib type as a supported type for the data rendering package. More...

#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/formatters.hpp>
#include <ql/quantlib.hpp>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  eepgwde
namespace  eepgwde::detail
namespace  eepgwde::detail::i0


template<typename U>
< boost::is_arithmetic< U >, U >
eepgwde::detail::i0::null1 (dummy< 0 >=0)
 Any numeric types: use the system minimum.
template<typename U>
std::string eepgwde::detail::i0::ys (typename enable_if< boost::is_same< ql::Date, U >, U >::type, const boost::any &o, dummy< 1 >=1) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method for QuantLib date.
template<typename U>
eepgwde::detail::i0::xs (typename enable_if< boost::is_same< ql::Date, U >, U >::type, const std::string &s, dummy< 1 >=2) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method for QuantLib date.

Detailed Description

Adding a QuantLib type as a supported type for the data rendering package.

Walter Eaves <Walter.Eaves@depfa.com>
Wed Feb 3 17:36:32 2010

Definition in file typing_ql.hpp.

Generated on Thu Feb 18 21:30:12 2010 for eleve by  doxygen 1.5.6