eepgwde::detail::i0 Namespace Reference

Provides the implementation space for many methods used by eepgwde::detail::null0. More...


struct  dummy


template<typename U>
< boost::is_arithmetic< U >, U >
null1 (dummy< 0 >=0)
 Any numeric types: use the system minimum.
template<typename U>
< boost::is_base_of
< boost::any, U >::value||boost::is_arithmetic
< U >::value||boost::is_arithmetic
< typename U::value_type >
< std::string, U >::value||!(boost::has_trivial_default_constructor
< U >::value), U >::type 
null1 (dummy< 1 >=1)
template<typename U>
std::string ys (typename enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< U >, U >::type, const boost::any &o, dummy< 1 >=1) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.
template<typename U>
std::string ys (typename enable_if< boost::is_same< boost::gregorian::date, U >, U >::type, const boost::any &o, dummy< 1 >=1) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.
template<typename U>
xs (typename disable_if_c< boost::is_base_of< boost::gregorian::date, U >::value||boost::is_base_of< boost::any, U >::value, U >::type, const std::string &s, dummy< 1 >=2) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.
template<typename U>
xs (typename enable_if< boost::is_same< boost::gregorian::date, U >, U >::type, const std::string &s, dummy< 1 >=2) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.
template<typename U>
xs (typename enable_if< boost::is_same< usdate, U >, U >::type, const std::string &s, dummy< 1 >=2) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.
template<typename U>
xs (typename enable_if< boost::is_same< eudate, U >, U >::type, const std::string &s, dummy< 1 >=2) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.
template<typename U>
xs (typename enable_if< boost::is_base_of< boost::any, U >, U >::type, const std::string &s, dummy< 1 >=2) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.
template<typename U>
std::string ys (typename enable_if< boost::is_same< ql::Date, U >, U >::type, const boost::any &o, dummy< 1 >=1) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method for QuantLib date.
template<typename U>
xs (typename enable_if< boost::is_same< ql::Date, U >, U >::type, const std::string &s, dummy< 1 >=2) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method for QuantLib date.
template<typename T>
T * zs0 (T *v, const boost::any &o, dummy< 0 >=0) throw (std::exception)
 Check if the underlying types are compatible.
template<typename T>
T * zs0 (T *v, const boost::any &o, dummy< 1 >=1) throw (std::exception)
template<typename T>
T * zs0 (T *v, const boost::any &o, dummy< 2 >=2) throw (std::exception)
template<typename U>
std::string ys (typename enable_if< boost::is_base_of< boost::any, U >, U >::type, const boost::any &o, dummy< 0 >=0) throw (std::domain_error &)
 Double dispatch.
template<typename U>
std::string ys (typename enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< U >, U >::type, const boost::any &o, dummy< 0 >=0) throw (std::domain_error &)
template<typename U>
std::string ys (typename enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< typename U::value_type >, U >::type, const boost::any &o, dummy< 0 >=0) throw (std::domain_error &)
template<typename U>
std::string ys (typename enable_if_c< boost::is_base_of< boost::gregorian::date, U >::value &&!(boost::is_same< boost::gregorian::date, U >::value), U >::type, const boost::any &o, dummy< 0 >=0) throw (std::domain_error &)
template<typename U>
< boost::is_arithmetic
< typename U::scaling_type >
, dummy< 0 > >::type 
scale0 (U &u)
template<typename U>
xs (typename enable_if< boost::is_base_of< is_Numeric, U >, U >::type, const std::string &s, dummy< 0 >=1) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.
template<typename U>
xs (typename enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< U >, U >::type, const std::string &s, dummy< 0 >=1) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.
template<typename U>
xs (typename enable_if< boost::is_base_of< std::string, U >, U >::type, const std::string &s, dummy< 0 >=1) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.
template<typename U>
xs (typename enable_if< boost::is_same< boost::any, U >, U >::type, const std::string &s, dummy< 0 >=1) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.
template<typename U>
xs (typename enable_if< boost::is_base_of< boost::gregorian::date, U >, U >::type, const std::string &s, dummy< 0 >=1) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.
template<typename U>
enable_if< boost::is_base_of
< QuantLib::Date, U >, U >
null1 (dummy< 2 >=2)
template<typename U>
std::string ys (typename enable_if< boost::is_base_of< QuantLib::Date, U >, U >::type, const boost::any &o, dummy< 2 >=2) throw (std::domain_error &)
 Double dispatch.
template<typename U>
xs (typename enable_if< boost::is_same< QuantLib::Date, U >, U >::type, const std::string &s, dummy< 2 >=2) throw (std::domain_error &)
 A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.

Detailed Description

Provides the implementation space for many methods used by eepgwde::detail::null0.

Used in ivolt0.cpp to prototype the QuantLib::Date.

This namespace provides templated definitions of null1 (to provide a null value), a set of ys methods (that convert a boost::any to a string and a set of xs methods to convert a std::string to the type of the null0.

Function Documentation

template<typename U>
enable_if<boost::is_base_of<QuantLib::Date, U>, U>::type eepgwde::detail::i0::null1 ( dummy< 2 >  = 2  )  [inline]

Definition at line 42 of file ivolt0.cpp.

template<typename U>
U eepgwde::detail::i0::xs ( typename enable_if< boost::is_same< QuantLib::Date, U >, U >::type  ,
const std::string &  s,
dummy< 2 >  = 2 
) throw (std::domain_error &) [inline]

A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.

Definition at line 59 of file ivolt0.cpp.

template<typename U>
U eepgwde::detail::i0::xs ( typename enable_if< boost::is_base_of< boost::any, U >, U >::type  ,
const std::string &  s,
dummy< 1 >  = 2 
) throw (std::domain_error &) [inline]

A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.

Definition at line 126 of file scalt4.cpp.

template<typename U>
U eepgwde::detail::i0::xs ( typename enable_if< boost::is_same< eudate, U >, U >::type  ,
const std::string &  s,
dummy< 1 >  = 2 
) throw (std::domain_error &) [inline]

A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.

Definition at line 117 of file scalt4.cpp.

template<typename U>
U eepgwde::detail::i0::xs ( typename enable_if< boost::is_same< usdate, U >, U >::type  ,
const std::string &  s,
dummy< 1 >  = 2 
) throw (std::domain_error &) [inline]

A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.

Definition at line 108 of file scalt4.cpp.

template<typename U>
U eepgwde::detail::i0::xs ( typename enable_if< boost::is_same< boost::gregorian::date, U >, U >::type  ,
const std::string &  s,
dummy< 1 >  = 2 
) throw (std::domain_error &) [inline]

A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.

Definition at line 99 of file scalt4.cpp.

template<typename U>
U eepgwde::detail::i0::xs ( typename disable_if_c< boost::is_base_of< boost::gregorian::date, U >::value||boost::is_base_of< boost::any, U >::value, U >::type  ,
const std::string &  s,
dummy< 1 >  = 2 
) throw (std::domain_error &) [inline]

A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.

Definition at line 88 of file scalt4.cpp.

template<typename U>
std::string eepgwde::detail::i0::ys ( typename enable_if< boost::is_base_of< QuantLib::Date, U >, U >::type  ,
const boost::any &  o,
dummy< 2 >  = 2 
) throw (std::domain_error &) [inline]

Double dispatch.

Definition at line 49 of file ivolt0.cpp.

template<typename U>
std::string eepgwde::detail::i0::ys ( typename enable_if< boost::is_same< boost::gregorian::date, U >, U >::type  ,
const boost::any &  o,
dummy< 1 >  = 1 
) throw (std::domain_error &) [inline]

A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.

Definition at line 79 of file scalt4.cpp.

template<typename U>
std::string eepgwde::detail::i0::ys ( typename enable_if< boost::is_arithmetic< U >, U >::type  ,
const boost::any &  o,
dummy< 1 >  = 1 
) throw (std::domain_error &) [inline]

A visitor method - prototype for dummy<0> in typing1.hpp.

Definition at line 69 of file scalt4.cpp.

Generated on Thu Feb 18 21:30:12 2010 for eleve by  doxygen 1.5.6