Type Manipulation and Column Name re-mapping


 Static definitions of Renderer objects.
 Methods on Containers
 Null values
 Render as string
 Render as underlying type
 Application programmer defined types


struct  eepgwde::detail::Typing
 Implementation class can be instantiated singly or within a Singleton. More...
struct  eepgwde::detail::Renderer
struct  eepgwde::detail::null0< T >


typedef std::map< std::string,
Renderer const * > 


std::string eepgwde::detail::Typing::as (const boost::any &operand) const throw (std::exception)
 And any of the above as a string.
template<typename T>
T * eepgwde::detail::i0::zs0 (T *v, const boost::any &o, dummy< 0 >=0) throw (std::exception)
 Check if the underlying types are compatible.
template<typename T>
T * eepgwde::detail::i0::zs0 (T *v, const boost::any &o, dummy< 1 >=1) throw (std::exception)
template<typename T>
T * eepgwde::detail::i0::zs0 (T *v, const boost::any &o, dummy< 2 >=2) throw (std::exception)


class eepgwde::detail::Typing::Impl
 a pointer to an implementation

Detailed Description

These classes provide more abilities to work with mixed types.

typing12 Rendering methods.

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<std::string, Renderer const *> eepgwde::detail::Typing::types0_t [inherited]

Definition at line 50 of file runtime2.hpp.

Function Documentation

std::string eepgwde::detail::Typing::as ( const boost::any &  operand  )  const throw (std::exception) [inherited]

And any of the above as a string.

Specialised template calls as1.

Definition at line 321 of file runtime2.cpp.

References eepgwde::detail::as().

Referenced by eepgwde::detail::as().

template<typename T>
T* eepgwde::detail::i0::zs0 ( T *  v,
const boost::any &  o,
dummy< 2 >  = 2 
) throw (std::exception) [inline]

Use a custom conversion cast if the o holds a string.

Calls the null0::xs() method to convert from a string. If it isn't already a string then make it so.

This code relies upon the application programmer defining the all the renderers before they run any code.
See also:

Definition at line 221 of file typing1.hpp.

References e0(), e1(), Test::typing5_t::typing5::eepgwde::detail::nullT, eepgwde::detail::null0< T >::xs(), and eepgwde::detail::Renderer::ys().

template<typename T>
T* eepgwde::detail::i0::zs0 ( T *  v,
const boost::any &  o,
dummy< 1 >  = 1 
) throw (std::exception) [inline]

Use lexical cast if the o holds a string.

No longer used because another zs0() does the same.

Definition at line 188 of file typing1.hpp.

References e0(), and e1().

template<typename T>
T* eepgwde::detail::i0::zs0 ( T *  v,
const boost::any &  o,
dummy< 0 >  = 0 
) throw (std::exception) [inline]

Check if the underlying types are compatible.

< and see if boost::any_cast can render it.

Definition at line 164 of file typing1.hpp.

References Test::typing5_t::typing5::eepgwde::detail::nullT.


friend class Impl [friend, inherited]

a pointer to an implementation

Definition at line 47 of file runtime2.hpp.

Generated on Thu Feb 18 21:30:12 2010 for eleve by  doxygen 1.5.6